To become a member of Cold Springs Valley Church

MEMBERSHIP: Any professing faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, giving evidence of being born in the Spirit and having adopted the views of Christian faith and practice held by this church may be received into membership by voice vote at any regular Sunday morning worship service.

Candidates may come by: a) Profession of faith in Christ followed by believer's baptism, or b) Statement that they have been a member of a church of like faith and practice.

What to Do When a Loved One Dies
A survivor's check list.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 633.9 KB

Tel: 775-432-1221

Mail Address:

          PO Box 61447
          Reno, NV 89506


Church Address:

3385 White Lake Parkway

Reno, NV 89508 


Updated: 03/08/2024